This studio-quality still life was achieved on location at a factory outside Moscow. A bale of crushed beverage-can off-cuts was due to be recycled and re-used for further manufacture. Shot in available light, the metal is further illuminated by the snow’s reflection: a neat use of the found environment that helped deliver a high quality image.

There’s more to a photo than pointing and shooting. Capturing this rich sky-blue (a perfect match with Centrica’s brand palette) took skill and experience: tracking sophisticated weather forecasting systems, liaising with tidal experts and boat crews. Then, when the elements aligned to create optimum offshore conditions, a flexible approach and prompt response meant the camera was there to record the moment - lens focused, shutter released.

Shot on location at a dry dock in Alabama, this captures a story Tanfield was keen to tell about the resilience of its aerial work platforms in the most rugged of working environments. Further industrial reportage at the Kansas factory as well as at locations across the UK accentuated the breadth of the company’s worldwide operations.